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100 % tricot

Abréviations anglaises


Standard abbreviations

approx: approximately
beg: begin(ning); begins(s)
BO: bind off
BOR: beginning of rnd
CO: cast on
CC: contrasting color
circ: circular needle
cm: centimeter(s)
cn: cable needle
cont: continue(s); continuing
dec('d): decrease(d)
dpn(s): double-pointed needle(s)
est: establish(ed)
g: gram(s)
inc('d): increase(d)
k: knit
LH: left hand
MC: main color
meas: measures
mm: millimeter(s)
m: marker
p: purl
patt(s): pattern(s)
pc(s): pieces
pm: place marker
psso: pass slipped stitch(es) over
rem: remain(s); remain(ing)
rep: repeat(ing)
RH: right hand
rib: ribbing
rnd(s): round(s)
RS: right side
sl: slip
sl m: slip marker
st(s): stitch(es)
St st: stockinette stitch
tbl: through the back loop
tog: together
wyib: with yarn in back
wyif: with yarn in front
yd: yard(s)

Common increases

k1-f/b (knit 1, front and back): Knit into the front loop, then the back loop of next stitch (1 stitch increased).

k1/L (left lifted increase): Pick up the left leg of the stitch two rows/rnds below the stitch just worked on RH needle and knit it (1 stitch increased).

k1/R (right lifted increase): Pick up the right leg of the stitch below the next stitch on LH needle and knit it, then knit the next stitch (1 stitch increased).

m1 (make 1): Insert LH needle from front to back under horizontal strand between stitch just worked and next stitch, knit lifted strand through the back loop (1 stitch increased).

M1L (make 1 left slanting): Same as m1.

M1R (make 1 right slanting): Insert LH needle from back to front under horizontal strand between stitch just worked and next stitch, knit lifted strand through the front loop (1 stitch increased).

m1-p (make 1 purlwise): Insert LH needle from front to back under horizontal strand between stitch just worked and next stitch, purl lifted strand through the back loop (1 stitch increased).

m1-p/L(make 1 purlwise left slanting): Same as m-1-p.

m1-p/R (make 1 purlwise right slanting): Insert LH needle from back to front under horizontal strand between stitch just worked and next stitch, purl lifted strand through the front loop (1 stitch increased).

p1-f/b (purl 1, front and back): Purl into the front loop, then the back loop of next stitch (1 stitch increased).

p1/L (left lifted increase): Pick up the left leg of the stitch two rows/rnds below the stitch just worked on your RH needle and purl (1 stitch increased, leans to the right on knit side).

p1/R (right lifted increase): Pick up the right leg of the stitch below the next stitch on LH needle and purl it, then purl the next stitch (1 stitch increased, leans to the left on knit side).

yo (yarn over):
Between 2 knit stitches: Bring yarn between needles to the front, then over RH needle ready to knit the next stitch.
Between a knit and a purl stitch: Bring yarn between needles to the front, over RH needle, then between needles to front again, ready to purl the next stitch.
Between 2 purl stitches: Bring yarn over RH needle, then between needles to the front, ready to purl the next stitch.
Between a purl and a knit stitch: Bring yarn over the RH needle, ready to knit the next stitch.

yo inc (yarn over increase): Bring yarn over needle, making a new stitch. On the next row or round, work the yarn over through the back loop (1 stitch increased).

Common decreases

k2tog: Knit 2 stitches together (1 stitch decreased, leans to the right).

k2tog-tbl: Knit 2 stitches together through the back loops (1 stitch decreased).

k3tog: Knit 3 stitches together (2 stitches decreased, leans to the right).

s2kp (central double decrease): Slip 2 stitches tog knitwise to the RH needle, k1, pass 2 slipped stitches over knit stitch (2 stitches decreased).

sk2p: Slip 1 stitch knitwise to RH needle, k2tog, pass slipped stitch over stitch created by k2tog (2 stitches decreased, leans to the left).

skp: Slip 1 stitch knitwise to RH needle, k1, pass slipped stitch over (1 stitch decreased).

spp: Slip 1 stitch knitwise to RH needle, p1, pass slipped stitch over (1 stitch decreased).

ssk (slip, slip, knit): Slip 2 stitches one at a time knitwise to the RH needle; return stitches to LH needle in turned position and knit them together through the back loops (1 stitch decreased, leans to the left).

ssp (slip, slip, purl): Slip 2 stitches one at a time knitwise to the RH needle; return stitches to LH needle in turned position and purl them together through the back loops (1 stitch decreased).

sssk (slip, slip, slip, knit): Slip 3 stitches one at a time knitwise to the RH needle; return stitches to LH needle in turned position and knit them together through the back loops (2 stitches decreased, leans to the left).

p2tog: Purl 2 stitches together (1 stitch decreased).

p2tog-tbl: Purl 2 stitches together through the back loops (1 stitch decreased).

p3tog: Purl 3 stitches together (2 stitches decreased).

Common miscellaneous abbreviations

k1rb: Knit the next stitch in the row below.

k1-tbl: Knit 1 stitch through the back loop to twist stitch.

p1rb: Purl the next stitch in the row below.

p1-tbl: Purl 1 stitch through the back loop to twist stitch.


100 % tricot
J'ai toujours tricoté un peu, et puis par hasard à la recherche de cours de couture, j'ai pris des cours de tricot !!! je suis tombé dans la laine et le tricot...
Un petit clic de votre passage, c'est toujours sympa...

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